import QtQuick 2.0 import com.meego.maliitquick 1.0 import com.jolla.xt9 1.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import com.jolla.keyboard 1.0 InputHandler { id: xt9Handler property int candidateSpaceIndex: -1 property string preedit // hack: currently possible to know if there's active focus only on signal handler. // workaround with this to avoid predictions changing while hiding keyboard property bool trackSurroundings Xt9EngineThread { id: thread // note: also china language codes being set with this, assume xt9 model just ignores such language: layoutRow.layout ? layoutRow.layout.languageCode : "" property int shiftState: keyboard.isShifted ? (keyboard.isShiftLocked ? Xt9Model.ShiftLocked : Xt9Model.ShiftLatched) : Xt9Model.NoShift onShiftStateChanged: setShiftState(shiftState) function abort(word) { var oldPreedit = xt9Handler.preedit xt9Handler.commit(word) xt9Handler.preedit = oldPreedit.substr(word.length, oldPreedit.length-word.length) if (xt9Handler.preedit !== "") { MInputMethodQuick.sendPreedit(xt9Handler.preedit) } } } Component { id: pasteComponent PasteButton { onClicked: { xt9Handler.commit(xt9Handler.preedit) MInputMethodQuick.sendCommit(Clipboard.text) keyboard.expandedPaste = false } } } Component { id: verticalPasteComponent PasteButton { width: parent.width height: geometry.keyHeightLandscape onClicked: { xt9Handler.commit(xt9Handler.preedit) MInputMethodQuick.sendCommit(Clipboard.text) } } } function formatText(text) { if (text === undefined) return "" var preeditLength = xt9Handler.preedit.length if (text.substr(0, preeditLength) === xt9Handler.preedit) { return "" + xt9Handler.preedit + "" + text.substr(preeditLength) } else { return text } } topItem: Component { TopItem { SilicaListView { id: predictionList model: thread.engine orientation: ListView.Horizontal anchors.fill: parent header: pasteComponent boundsBehavior: !keyboard.expandedPaste && Clipboard.hasText ? Flickable.DragOverBounds : Flickable.StopAtBounds onDraggingChanged: { if (!dragging && !keyboard.expandedPaste && contentX < -(headerItem.width + Theme.paddingLarge)) { keyboard.expandedPaste = true positionViewAtBeginning() } } delegate: BackgroundItem { onClicked: applyPrediction(model.text, model.index) width: candidateText.width + Theme.paddingLarge * 2 height: parent ? parent.height : 0 Text { id: candidateText anchors.centerIn: parent color: highlighted ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.primaryColor font { pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall; family: Theme.fontFamily } text: formatText(model.text) } } Connections { target: thread.engine onPredictionsChanged: { predictionList.positionViewAtBeginning() } } Connections { target: Clipboard onTextChanged: { if (Clipboard.hasText) { // need to have updated width before repositioning view positionerTimer.restart() } } } Timer { id: positionerTimer interval: 10 onTriggered: predictionList.positionViewAtBeginning() } } } } verticalItem: Component { Item { id: verticalContainer SilicaListView { id: verticalList model: thread.engine anchors.fill: parent clip: true header: Component { PasteButtonVertical { visible: Clipboard.hasText width: verticalList.width height: visible ? geometry.keyHeightLandscape : 0 popupParent: verticalContainer popupAnchor: 2 // center onClicked: { xt9Handler.commit(xt9Handler.preedit) MInputMethodQuick.sendCommit(Clipboard.text) } } } delegate: BackgroundItem { onClicked: applyPrediction(model.text, model.index) width: parent.width height: geometry.keyHeightLandscape // assuming landscape! Text { width: parent.width horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter color: highlighted ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.primaryColor font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall fontSizeMode: Text.HorizontalFit textFormat: Text.StyledText text: formatText(model.text) } } Connections { target: thread.engine onPredictionsChanged: { if (!clipboardChange.running) { verticalList.positionViewAtIndex(0, ListView.Beginning) } } } Connections { target: Clipboard onTextChanged: { verticalList.positionViewAtBeginning() clipboardChange.restart() } } Timer { id: clipboardChange interval: 1000 } } } } onActiveChanged: { if (!active && preedit !== "") { thread.acceptWord(preedit, false) commit(preedit) } updateButtons() } Connections { target: keyboard onFullyOpenChanged: { // TODO: could avoid if new keyboard is just the same as the previous one updateButtons() } onLayoutChanged: updateButtons() } Connections { target: MInputMethodQuick onFocusTargetChanged: { xt9Handler.trackSurroundings = activeEditor } onEditorStateUpdate: { if (!xt9Handler.trackSurroundings) { return } if (MInputMethodQuick.surroundingTextValid) { var text = MInputMethodQuick.surroundingText.substring(0, MInputMethodQuick.cursorPosition) thread.setContext(text) } else { thread.setContext("") } } } function updateButtons() { // QtQuick positions Columns and Rows on next frame. avoid wrong positions by running only when fully shown. if (!active || !keyboard.fullyOpen) { return } var layout = keyboard.layout var children = layout.children var i var child thread.startLayout(layout.width, layout.height) for (i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { addButtonsFromChildren(children[i], layout) } thread.finishLayout() } function addButtonsFromChildren(item, layout) { var children = item.children var child for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { child = children[i] if (typeof child.keyType !== 'undefined') { if (child.keyType === KeyType.CharacterKey && { var mapped = item.mapToItem(layout, child.x, child.y, child.width, child.height) var buttonText = child.text + child.nativeAccents var buttonTextShifted = child.captionShifted + child.nativeAccentsShifted thread.addLayoutButton(mapped.x, mapped.y, mapped. width, mapped.height, buttonText, buttonTextShifted) } } else { addButtonsFromChildren(child, layout) } } } function applyPrediction(replacement, index) { console.log("candidate clicked: " + replacement + "\n") replacement = replacement + " " candidateSpaceIndex = MInputMethodQuick.surroundingTextValid ? MInputMethodQuick.cursorPosition + replacement.length : -1 commit(replacement) thread.acceptPrediction(index) } function handleKeyClick() { var handled = false keyboard.expandedPaste = false if (pressedKey.key === Qt.Key_Space) { if (preedit !== "") { thread.acceptWord(preedit, true) commit(preedit + " ") keyboard.autocaps = false // assuming no autocaps after input with xt9 preedit } else { commit(" ") } if (keyboard.shiftState !== ShiftState.LockedShift) { keyboard.shiftState = ShiftState.AutoShift } handled = true } else if (pressedKey.key === Qt.Key_Return) { if (preedit !== "") { thread.acceptWord(preedit, false) commit(preedit) } if (keyboard.shiftState !== ShiftState.LockedShift) { keyboard.shiftState = ShiftState.AutoShift } } else if (pressedKey.key === Qt.Key_Backspace && preedit !== "") { preedit = preedit.substr(0, preedit.length-1) thread.processBackspace() MInputMethodQuick.sendPreedit(preedit) if (keyboard.shiftState !== ShiftState.LockedShift) { if (preedit.length === 0) { keyboard.shiftState = ShiftState.AutoShift } else { keyboard.shiftState = ShiftState.NoShift } } handled = true } else if (pressedKey.text.length !== 0) { var wordSymbol = "\'-".indexOf(pressedKey.text) >= 0 if (thread.isLetter(pressedKey.text) || wordSymbol) { var forceAdd = pressedKey.keyType === KeyType.PopupKey || keyboard.inSymView || keyboard.inSymView2 || wordSymbol thread.processSymbol(pressedKey.text, forceAdd) preedit += pressedKey.text if (keyboard.shiftState !== ShiftState.LockedShift) { keyboard.shiftState = ShiftState.NoShift } MInputMethodQuick.sendPreedit(preedit) handled = true } else { // normal symbols etc. if (preedit !== "") { thread.acceptWord(preedit, false) // do we need to notify xt9 with the appended symbol? commit(preedit + pressedKey.text) } else { if (candidateSpaceIndex > 0 && candidateSpaceIndex === MInputMethodQuick.cursorPosition && ",.?!".indexOf(pressedKey.text) >= 0 && MInputMethodQuick.surroundingText.charAt(MInputMethodQuick.cursorPosition - 1) === " ") { if (thread.language === "FR" && "?!".indexOf(pressedKey.text) >= 0) { // follow French grammar rules for ? and ! MInputMethodQuick.sendCommit(pressedKey.text + " ") } else { // replace automatically added space from candidate clicking MInputMethodQuick.sendCommit(pressedKey.text + " ", -1, 1) } preedit = "" } else { commit(pressedKey.text) } } handled = true } } else if (pressedKey.key === Qt.Key_Backspace && MInputMethodQuick.surroundingTextValid && !MInputMethodQuick.hasSelection && MInputMethodQuick.cursorPosition >= 2 && isInputCharacter(MInputMethodQuick.surroundingText.charAt(MInputMethodQuick.cursorPosition - 2))) { // backspacing into a word, re-activate it var length = 1 var pos = MInputMethodQuick.cursorPosition - 3 for (; pos >= 0 && isInputCharacter(MInputMethodQuick.surroundingText.charAt(pos)); --pos) { length++ } pos++ var word = MInputMethodQuick.surroundingText.substring(pos, pos + length) MInputMethodQuick.sendKey(Qt.Key_Backspace, 0, "\b", Maliit.KeyClick) MInputMethodQuick.sendPreedit(word, undefined, -length, length) thread.reactivateWord(word) preedit = word handled = true } if (pressedKey.keyType !== KeyType.ShiftKey && pressedKey.keyType !== KeyType.SymbolKey) { candidateSpaceIndex = -1 } return handled } function isInputCharacter(character) { return thread.isLetter(character) || "\'-".indexOf(character) >= 0 } function reset() { thread.reset() preedit = "" } function commit(text) { MInputMethodQuick.sendCommit(text) preedit = "" } }